Set of 25 vectors illustrations of Human anatomy, disease, medical topics:
illustration ofCystic Fibrosis. Normal Airways – airway wall, a thin layer of mucus coats the airway wall. Airways affected by cystic fibrosis – Dilates Airways, a thick and stiky mucus blocks airways, Blood in the mucus, Bacterial infection;
illustration of Prostatitis – Edema, Inflammation of the prostate gland, Disorders of the secretion;
illustration of Anatomy of the Bronchus – section through cartilage hoop, ciliated lining of bronchus, airway, gland ducts;
images of Structure of Adrenaline (benzene ring, amine side chain NH2, two hydroxyl OH- groups);
images of Anatomy of the adrenal Glands (Cortex, Medulla, Capsule, Zone – Glomerulosa, Fasciculata, Reticularis, Kidney);
images of Normal heart (normal ventricular chambers) and congestive heart (thickening of the ventricular chambers and smaller fill in capacity and ejection of blood);
TBC (tuberculosis) – mycobacterium tuberculosis, granuloma from mycobacterium tuberculosis;
TBC (tuberculosis) – initial tuberculosis infection of the right upper lobe, the initial plaque progresses digging a cavity, formation of numerous cavities and erosion bronchial;
illustration of Hepatic Cirrhosis medical complications – Hepatic coma, Yellow skin, gynecomastia, esophageal varices, caput medusae, ascites, testicular atrophy, palmar erythema, haemorrhagic diathesis, edema of the lower limbs;
illustration of Break – posterior cruciate ligament; Adenoids; Testicular cancer – Urethra, Vas deferens, Cancer, Testicle; Dry cough; Severe sunburn – vesicles;
Bulimia (symptoms) compulsive eating – self-induced vomiting;
illustration of Normal Disc – nucleus Pulposus, Annulus Fibrosus, Cauda Equina, Spinal nerve root. And Internal Disc disruption – Annular Tears, Early disc degeneration, Pain worsens with flexion/sitting, slightly better with extension, Forward flexion limited on exam, no radicular symptoms;
images of Chickenpox (varicella) – hard crusty, red spot, blister;
Files ai, eps format for Adobe Illustrator. Stock clip art free download. License: personal use, with attribution free – commercial use.
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